April 11, 2006 Name: The_Duck E-mail: wfduck@yahoo.com Location: Enderlin Indies bench Hey Leondarite what's your take in this whole immigration flap? I'm taking it to heart and moving back to LaMoure ASAP. Where you goin? Kojacks where you were conceived? Leonardite: April 10, 2006 Name: Diddy Location: The Capital I was at that hockey game and I am not even counted as one of the Jets fans. Truly disappointing. Leonardite: I seriously need to send you my underwear in the mail or something. The fact that you weren't mentioned was a grievous oversight and worthy of self-castration on my part. April 7, 2006 Name: The MCL Location: reliving my youth Leonardite, I know you are going to hate me for saying this, but I enjoy Super Punchout more than the original. Now that our friendship is tarnished, I'd like to make an observation: is it just me, or does Piston Hurricane look like a young Stuart Scott. Well, at least we all now know how he got that lazy eye... Leonardite: I bet you laughed when Apollo Creed got killed, too. April 6, 2006 Name: The MCL I don't go out to Myspace. I did however read your article on the305hustler. Leonardite, why is it that we arrest and prosecute high school girls who put coin blocks (Mario style) around their town, yet people who layout pages like the one you wrote about are walking around, ready to strike at any moment. Our generation is doomed... Leonardite: I'm proud of you for not wasting your life at Myspace, but I feel like I'm one of the Chernobyl cleanup workers and have to go in. Of course, the fact that they all died days later of extreme radiation gives me a glimpse of my likely fate. The generation is doomed because not only have we all been reduced to text strings like "gurlz," "wuzup," and "dood," but the general populace is now expected to understand this garbage and build their own shrine to it. Personally, the only shrines I'm building are to Alan Thicke but whatever. March 29, 2006 Name: The Webmaster E-mail: bigbird@aol.com Leonardite, the reason most of us in this guestbook post here is two-fold. Most of us (including myself) get immense joy out of the one-liners and in jokes that so abundantly grace your responses. Secondly, this space harkens back to the days where the internet was new and not everyone that dared enter the public forum was deemed gay. But now even this bastion is falling. Calling someone a fag is so hackneyed and lame that it lessens the genuine cleverness and humor of other posts. So from now on, if you can't think of an original thought or observation, go call someone a meat gazer somewhere else. Preferably Xanga or myspace. Leonardite: I've been saying since at least '97 that this website is nothing more than a warm-up for when the zaniness gets transferred from cyberspace to a television sitcom. Right now we're just in our season three homosexual subplot. That means we're at least four years from our big downturn when the WVBA leaves the cast and a foster kid is abruptly written into the website. March 29, 2006 Name: Call it like I see it Location: The Champange Room Regarding you blog page...and mostly refering to your intresting in music THEN girls, I can only make the assumption the you and the Duck are lovers. Leonardite: Psht...yeah. My "intresting" in girls has nothing to do with mating and everything to do with wearing their clothes. March 24, 2006 Name: red blooded american Location: u.s.a. Don't listen to French Guy Leonardite: he comes from a country that produced Celine Dion...and a nation of mentally challenged dullards. Pretty tough for a nation of pansies to spawn anther non-pansy nation, if you ask me. At least they produced Alex Trebek. Leonardite: If there's anything worse than a bunch of Canadians, it's a bunch of Canadians that want to be French. March 24, 2006 Name: French Guy E-mail: fg@hotmail.com Just read your little Ribeiro "article." Sure, he's a pansy at times, but I assure you, not all French Canadians share this trait. Lemieux, Richard, Lafleur, Beliveau, Le Cavalier, Savard, Geofrion, St Louis, Cournoyer ...are they pansies? I don't think so. In fact, if you wanted to make an all French team, there simply isn't a lineup in history that could compete. The proof is there. 24 Stanely cups my friend - that's a feat that could not be attained by a group of Marys. Sorry. Just not possible. And as far as being like the French from France, I'll have you know that distance has helped to separate us from our "quick- to- surrender-cousins across the ocean. In fact, during both wars, French Canadian soldiers were known as the bravest soldiers in the army, navy and air force. So educate yourself before you make broad, ignorant...well, "American" generalizations. You're making an ass of yourself. Leonardite: A couple years ago at Denny's, I carved "Rich beats his wife" into a table. On Sunday, I noticed that he had added "and fondles my daughter" next to it. This means that your message is only the second best two-years-too-late response I've received this week. March 8, 2006 Name: el petro I want to have your babies. Leonardite: I had this conversation the other day. Me: "So I met this chick. She seems pretty cool. Wants to have my babies." Buddy: "What's her name?" Me: "El Petro." Buddy: "She sounds hot." March 2, 2006 Name: BStains Location: B-United Stains of Cramerica Man does my ass hurt after being brutally raped by those refs at the game last night. We got screwed worse than Roy Jones Jr. at the 88' Olympics. Leonardite: Just to be safe, next year we're going to be the first basketball team ever to have fighting straps sewn into our jerseys. February 28, 2006 Name: BStains E-mail: cramerbr@mnstate.edu Location: B-United Stains of Cramerica Long live the Sheyenne Valley Lumber city league basketball team. We cannot be stopped. Fuckin' Right. Leonardite: Your location is pretty enjoyable. With the clientele around here, I get so used to seeing "prison" and the occasional "federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison" in that field that I rarely look at it anymore. February 24, 2006 Name: commander penetrant Hello Leonardite, I like your music, your duet with Aretha Franklin was especially great. Would you like some free information on office communication? The firm that does well is one in which management clearly understands the mission of the organization. Goals are set to reflect the mission, and objectives are written in definite terms so that they can be observed and measured. Moreover, all staff know how their jobs contribute to company goals. The staff are quite aware of what is expected of them as they go about their daily activities. The managers of this firm recognize that if expectations are not communicated, much time and effort are wasted. For example, if an employee must question what is important, the majority of time may be spent in trying to decide what to do. In this instance, very little work is finished and what is may not be correct. A reprimand for such low output, though, may seem unjust and lead to tension between staff and managers. When relationship tension develops, the problems Leonardite: After a local fraternity impressively managed to kill both a guest AND a brother within a year in separate alcohol incidents, one of the members did his best to downplay their wild partying stereotype by wearing this shirt to his court hearing. February 21, 2006 Name: The_Duck E-mail: wfduck@yahoo.com Location: Galchutt(just like 2say it) Leonardite: Rumor has it that you were a body double in BrokeBack Mountain? confirm or deny please Leonardite: February 15, 2005 Name: The MCL Location: France Mmmm, the sweet smell of fois gras. The Duck has migrated early this year... Leonardite: Fois gras is apparently some sort of French word meaning "duck", similar to how "French" is an English word meaning "undesirably weasel-like." February 15, 2006 Name: Martini Location: Sudro You know, you had until March 2nd to prove Berry and I right. You didn't have to get all crazy and blow it halfway into the grace period. PS. We're sick of you avoiding us. Justin's not getting the leash jokes now; it's you, buddy. Leonardite: It's not so much avoidance as it is outright shunning. Back when the only way people could read my jokes was by buying my old, pencil-covered textbooks, I was lot more accessible. The international superstardom that came as a byproduct of this website has changed my schedule in almost one way. February 13, 2006 Name: The_Duck E-mail: wfduck@yahoo.com Location: Absaraka Crows Leonardite: I'm back. did you miss me. in a totally homo-phobic sort of way? So Dick Cheney shot a lawyer. Good for him. who wouldnt pay to do that? Leonardite: A Duck-less guestbook is not a guestbook I want to be a part of. I'm sure you'd agree with this. I'm sure you'd also agree that if the states took the time to hire even remote competence within the game and fish departments, accidents like this would be a thing of the past. February 8, 2006 Name: whidbey james Location: whidbey - duh.... yo lenny, i am currently taking open water class with pat beach. want to send any messages, or are you content to snivel in html? james PS - where's YOUR card? Leonardite: Where is my card? That's what I want to know. I was hoping you'd send me one of these. February 7, 2006 Name: Gin and Tonic Location: Siberia That fortune cookie writing program isn't fooling anyone. I want to go gamble, so make it happen. Please. Leonardite: I will NOT aid in satisfying others' vices. But in an unrelated note, I saw this cool link for FREE HEROIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! February 2, 2006 Name: The MCL Location: spogenheimer I believe leonardite.com needs a new breakthrough. I have a few ideas. One: start marketing the Leonar-diet, which of course consists of beer and sunflower seeds. Two: sell Leonard-ties with a Neil's eye view of the city. Leonardite: The Leonar-diet sounds pretty catchy, but I have a sneaking suspicion that David Wells probably already has that particular meal plan patented. I guess I'll probably have to just stick to Leonardite.com's current side ventures: chili dog vendor and amateur childbirth filmer. January 31, 2006 Name: Diddy E-mail: JonnyI85@msn.com Location: The Capital Mad props on the obituary of the Chuck a Puck. May you be blessed with frosty dreams and spring break bowling. Leonardite: Amazingly enough a hockey puck will come into the stands every once in awhile. And just because some pussy is worried about bruises and brain damage, my view of body checks and fist fights has now been reduced by at least 22% thanks to the new netting at the Coliseum. I might have to become a Bobcats fan due to their seamless glass and conspicuously net-free arena. That's the way ice boxing was meant to be watched. |